After gaining a GCSE in Media Studies, I already had some basic skill in regard to research and pre-production, production, and post-production. However, A Levels became much more advanced, so I was able to develop these skills and gain new skills during my studies.
So far in my studies, I have learned how to analyse films; recognising the conventions of genre and how they are used to establish film genres. By gathering information from research into the film industry, I have been able to include ideas in my planning which have been interpreted from my personal research. Team work has also played a major role in both GCSE and AS so my skills have been developed and I have come to realise that contributing my own ideas and listening to other peoples ideas makes for excellent planning during pre-production. I had completed some story boards during my previous study process of media studies, although very simple, my story boards now have better structure and detail included. I would like to improve my skills in photoshop at A2 by producing posters to promote the product and create an exciting logo that people will be able to easily associate with the product. For my aim to film at different locations, I will spend a more extended time period on planning locations in the next production. This will enable me and my team to list possible locations and potentially visit them all before making the final decision.
PRODUCTION (filming)
By applying my knowledge of camera work, such as, camera angles and camera movement, gained from GCSE, I have been able to use this during filming. However, during AS I developed these skills from learning how and when to use them in order to add drama and establish my chosen genre. These skills can be developed further in A2, achieving excellence rather than 'good' or 'basic.' I have also learnt that the filming process can be very time consuming, it can take up to two hours worth of footage to achieve the first two minutes of a film. In many cases, longer than that. So time management is essential when sticking to deadlines, therefore in A2 I will ensure that a time management plan has been made and enough footage is gathered, too much is better than not enough. In my next production I aim to film at different locations unlike my last production where the filming took place in one particular location. Although this worked well, it did not produce a professional standard, and I think this was a downfall of this.
I have achieved basic skill in editing using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, but this skill has room for further development, I have knowledge of the tools to use and adding titles. Although I can develop my skills in special effects in order to achieve the best outcome possible. Editing allowed me to include sound and add technical effects which increased emphasis and led to a more professional production. Also, anything that didn't quite go to plan during the filming process which could potentially affect the outcome can be corrected or essentially deleted during editing which hugely benefits the producers and the final outcome. After briefly using Adobe After Effects I am able to add effects to production to a average standard, I aim to improve my skills in this at A2 so I am able to use them to at least a good standard, if not excellent. Editing is a main factor that I aim to improve, as it is the final production process and can be the most important in regard to how the completed production looks to an audience.